We perform three services for clients:
- Setting investment strategy
- Allocating assets appropriately
- Investing and monitoring their investments
Benefits of our investment program:
- Clients can delegate investing and financial planning to a professional. This frees up their time.
- They develop peace of mind about their financial matters.
- They get a clear picture of their long-term finances. They also know that as life changes, so will their plan and portfolio.
- They know that though their lives are busy and time is short, their portfolio is being regularly monitored and managed.
- They have a go-to professional who is knowledgeable about their financial matters. This enables them to make informed decisions. Decisions like contributions to 401K plans, exercising their stock options or year-end tax strategy related to investments.
Our Investment Program moves you towards your goals.

The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
Alice: I don’t much care where.
The Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.
Alice: …So long as I get somewhere.
The Cheshire Cat: Oh, you’re sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Setting Investment Strategy
Our Clients can explain what their financial goals are: Retire comfortably, educate their children, provide for their dependents, leave a legacy, or buy fancy toys.
However, they have difficulty translating these goals into actionable financial steps. For example: “I need to save $x each month to sustain my lifestyle in retirement”
Also, when they have many goals, making a plan becomes much harder. This is because their financial goals may be interrelated.
And evaluating different scenarios (e.g. what if I lose my job?) is even more challenging especially if they don’t have the correct tools and training.
We can help clients develop a custom investment plan. It will help them achieve their goals faster.

Allocating Assets Appropriately
Allocating assets properly is critical to managing your portfolio’s risk.
We recognize that there are many asset allocation rules of thumb available – for example, “invest your age in Bonds”. But real-life is a little more complicated. We view risk from 9 perspectives and then use the resulting insights to craft asset allocations for clients.

Making and Monitoring Investments
Investors are often capable of making their own investment decisions. But may lack the time, interest, and analytical tools to do so effectively. Our program lets you assign your important investment tasks to a qualified professional.
Think of our services as a GPS for your financial life: Goals – Plan – Strategy.
Who should invest with us?
Our advisory services are designed for busy individuals (such as corporate executives or Private Practice owners). They generally have at least $500,000 to invest with us and are interested in a streamlined and clear investment program.
Our Fees

Our Fees are straightforward, transparent and competitive.
We charge 1% of assets under management. Also, we try to keep your total costs low. We aim to be at or below median industry levels. We can do this because we know how to find high-quality investments that are attractively priced. And, we also keep our overheads and wastage low.
We believe that our fees & costs are competitive and are also considerably lower than the total fees and costs of the large, branded firms.
Though many investment firms impose account minimums, we do not. But, if portfolios are less than $500,000 then our total investment costs may be somewhat higher.
What Investment Services do you offer?
If you desire to use an advisor, we can help.
- We make financial plans to help you accumulate capital or to generate reliable retirement income after you retire.
- We design a portfolio that is consistent with your goals as well as your temperament.
- We manage your portfolio by researching, buying, monitoring, and selling investments.
What is DorchesterAdvisors’ investment philosophy?
A well thought out and evidence-based investment philosophy is critical when it comes to managing your serious money. Our investment approach, finely honed over 30 years, is also the one we use to manage our own assets.
- Our philosophy is to invest sensibly, prudently and cost-consciously; the way we invest our portfolio.
- We use evidence-based investment strategies and specialize in value-oriented investing – i.e. buying good quality investments at attractive prices.
- We Invest in all five asset classes to diversify risk. We choose well researched investment strategies that have been tested over long periods of time. We regularly monitor your portfolio and make changes to it as market conditions change or your needs evolve.
- We aim is to achieve a level of return that grows your wealth on an after-tax and after-inflation basis over a market cycle, so you can sustain your desired lifestyle.
What is DorchesterAdvisors’ investment process?
Investing isn’t as hard as rocket science. But, it’s not easy either. It needs discipline, training, and experience plus professional tools. These enable us to develop a robust and repeatable investment process.
We have a well-defined approach for our investment process. Our bedrock philosophy is to buy good (high quality) investments are attractive (low) prices. I.e. we are value investors.
We implement this value philosophy with clear guidelines and processes for:
- Which investments to buy. These are defined at the Ticker symbol level (Jargon for specific names). We pick these names based on research and fundamental analysis.
- When to buy these investments.
- How much (number of shares) of these investments to buy.
- When to sell the investments. We set targets for which signals will tell us when to sell (signals that are more specific than “we sell when the fundamentals change or we sell when the stock reaches its intrinsic value”).
- And finally, how much of our position we will sell.
Our thinking: without clearly knowing these key elements we (and indeed any investor) cannot execute a trade. And unless we can buy and then subsequently sell a security, we cannot make a return.
How do you manage risk?
- We endeavor to take the least amount of risk that is consistent with your goals.
- We view risk from 9 perspectives.
- We design our portfolios carefully.
What are your fees and costs?
We charge 1% of assets under management and endeavor to keep your total cost of investing at or below the industry median level of fees.
We strive to keep our fee structure: streamlined, transparent and competitive.
We do not impose minimum levels for fees or account size.
What do I get for my fees?
Clients credit us for providing benefits like:
A written plan detailing the steps you need to take to get to your goals.
A specific saving target “your number” that is consistent with your plans.
A portfolio designed to fit your financial plans.
Ongoing portfolio management.
Access to an advisor who knows your financial situation and can be a sounding board for your family’s financial needs.
A fiduciary who can provide continuity for your family.
Can I get investment advice cheaper through online services or companies like Vanguard.
Yes you can.
As with restaurants, you can get a variety of menus, prices, and experiences. But you also know that not every restaurant is at the top of their game. The marketplace is similar for investment services.
At Dorchester Advisors you get an experienced (more than 30 years), credentialed (Wharton MBA) advisor who operates as a fiduciary and has deep expertise with the financial needs of successful individuals and families. All at a very competitive cost.
Do you have experience with my situation? Are you good at what you do?
- How long have you been offering investment advisory services
- Dorchester Advisors has been in operation since 2010. The founder and lead advisor is Dushyant Pandit. He has more than 30 years of experience in the investment industry. This has given us vast experience with so many investment problems that clients face. We are well qualified and knowledgeable about offering appropriate investment solutions for your situation.
- Who and how many clients do you work with?
- Our clients are successful individuals and Families. They are serious about ensuring a comfortable retirement for themselves. They also want to care for their families in this and in future generations.
- Click to see Dorchester by the numbers.
- Clear communications: Regular meetings; key written documents (Plans, investment policy statements). And our custodian sends regular confirmations and statements.
- As a result, we have seen and dealt with a wide variety of issues that are relevant to our clients.
- Our clients expect high service levels, and we deliver this by keeping the advisor to client ratio at 50 or less.
- What is your background and Education?
Dushyant Pandit
Dorchester Advisors
Email: [email protected]
About me: Founded Dorchester Advisors – Investment advisory firm|Professional Investor|Help Individuals and Families to accumulate capital|Invest sensibly, prudently and cost-consciously| Entrepreneur |I champion Simplification|Married, NY area resident| Volunteer with Wharton Alumni Clubs|Wharton MBA
- How do you envision we work together to set investment objectives, monitor and adjust over time, and evaluate success?
- We have honed a clear process – the Dorchester wealth management process. It helps us to make a smooth start and ongoing progress with clients.
- We have an Interactive process and use both proprietary and professional tools to develop financial plans and investment strategies.
- Though we start with one of three investment models, these are tailored to fit your goals and needs.
- We expect to have full investment discretion over your account. This means we will not typically consult with you prior to making any investment decisions. We use this approach for two reasons: One, speed is often of essence when making investment decisions and we can act faster with discretionary authority. Two, we wish to avoid any conflict in our investments based on information that our clients (who are successful in their careers) may have. Indeed, many clients’ firms require that their investments be handled on a discretionary basis.
- Discretion over your account is only for investment management purposes. We cannot move money or securities. We can only do so based on client instructions.
- Who will I be dealing with? Who is actually managing my investments?
- You will deal with Dushyant Pandit. He is the founder and lead advisor of Dorchester Advisors. He is also the key decision maker on the investments that will go into your portfolio.
- He may rely on analysts or services for support and information. But, he is the lead advisor on accounts and you deal directly with him.
- Tell me how you will interact with me?
- In person as well as via video conferencing. We aim for quarterly updates of your portfolio. We are accessible at all times by appointment.
- How will you help me achieve my financial goals?
- In person as well as via video conferencing. We aim for quarterly updates of your portfolio. We are accessible at all times by appointment. A sample client presentation is available upon request.
Do you have a business continuity plan?
- Yes, and we are required to keep this updated to comply with regulations.
How do I access my accounts if I want to move them?
Our agreement can be cancelled anytime with 30 days’ notice.
If you want to go with another organization: If you choose to go with another organization, tell us. We can sell your investments and send you a check. Or we can work with the other organization to move the securities over. Alternately, most advisors or brokers can start a transfer of your account based on instructions from you.
If you need to go because I am incapacitated: You can call SSG (number is on every statement). Ask them to move your account. They have personnel who can assist you. Should something happen to me, we will also inform SSG who will be ready to assist you.
If you need to move your accounts because You are incapacitated: I urge you to introduce me to your heirs, executors, lawyers, and CPAs. If done when all is well, it sets up a relationship and communication channel. Then, all these players are comfortable talking to get your wishes done. At Dorchester Advisors, we add these folks to our ongoing update emails. These are sent routinely and make it easy for them to reach us.
Will you act in my best interest?
- Yes.
- We operate as a stand-alone Registered Investment Advisor. We act in a fiduciary capacity. That is, in a client’s best interests, rather than in a “suitability capacity”, which is a more lenient standard. Read about the critical differences.
- As a stand-alone firm, we are not subject to any pressure from the head office or other interested parties.
- Nor are we dually registered (Lingo for having licenses to do other financial products business). All we do is investment advisory work for fully disclosed fees.
Have you been cited for disciplinary actions?
- No. Clean credentials – no complaints
Will you sign a Fiduciary Oath
- Yes
How are you compensated? What do I pay for? What do I get?
Our fees are straightforward… they are 1% of assets under management.
You pay for advice on how much to save for retirement and how much you can spend in retirement. You get a plan tailored to your temperament and goals. It is updated regularly in meetings with you. And, you get a portfolio that is customized and managed to be consistent with your goals.
Do you receive any other forms of compensation which may cause conflict of interest?
We don’t get any other compensation other than fees we charge you. If this changes, we will inform you. This means:
- We do not earn commissions or 12b-1’s or other such compensation from firms who sell mutual funds, ETF’s or such products.
- We are not engaged in any other business activity which may divide our time and attention.
- We do not receive financial incentives for recommending any financial products or for making investment recommendations.
- We do not receive any referral fees from other professionals (CPA’s Lawyers, Insurance etc).
Will you provide a written agreement outlining services and the fees?
- Yes
How much of the net worth of the principals is managed at the firm?
- More than 60%.