JAN 2016
Year End Letter: “Meh” is how the New York Times described 2015 as far as investments go. Three asset classes: Cash, US fixed income and the broad US stock market all had total returns of less than 1%. Commodities were down about 33%. The best of this sorry lot were US REITs with a 2.5% […]
read more...NOV 2015
What is your investment advisor doing in “tax-land”? Tax planning via your investments is another example of an important financial activity that is in your control. Tax-Moves: How your Investment Advisor can help you (and your CPA) with your taxes.
read more...OCT 2015
Q3 Market Review – Fear: Heed it; don’t Feed it! The correction that happened in Q3 was expected (though few knew exactly when), but that did not make it feel any better. When markets correct and the Media goes into high gear, we all feel fear; even most professional investors. But good professionals train themselves […]
read more...SEP 2015
Individuals’ true wealth depends on how well they nurture four assets: Their Skills, Relationships, Money, and Time. We focus on leveraging these assets differently at the various stages of life and getting the mix right at each stage may be the richer way to live it. True Wealth
read more...AUG 2015
We are advocates of streamlining investment portfolios: it is an important investment activity that investors have control over. Streamlined portfolios help your investment program because they offer a clearer view of your investments, are less cluttered and hence easier to manage and, in our view, help to control costs. Sleeker Portfolios .
read more...JUL 2015
Q2 2015 Market Review – Political Drama, Quiet Markets. Q2 seemed to be more about political and world events and less about investment markets. Yet even in such lackluster markets we believe there are approaches investors can use to work towards their financial well-being. Q2 2015 Letter .
read more...MAY 2015
Research by Wharton and Chicago professors outlines why it’s hard for traditional active managers to beat the Indexers. Evidence points to Index investing as the way to invest, if only because it’s cheaper. But, this debate is not yet over. Scale And Skill .
read more...APR 2015
Q1 2015 Market Review -Steady returns, little fanfare. Q1 was quiet but productive, from an investment perspective. Four of the five asset classes were positive for the quarter. Commodities did poorly and International stocks and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) did the best. Q1 2015 Letter .
read more...MAR 2015
Investors face an array of activities that can determine their future. These range from activities they control (how much they save) to things they simply do not (the future returns on their investments). Effective people spend their efforts on things they control. Things you control – IRA contributions
read more...FEB 2015
Asset location (not Asset ALLOCATION) is a recent theme in investment management. Why it is important. Asset Location