JUL 2013
Q2 2013 Investment letter. Despite the recent strong stock market performance we plan to hold a high percentage of equities in portfolios, as we believe that equity markets are still fairly valued. We also continue to advocate a high level of non U.S. diversification because the U.S. represents less than half of global investing opportunities. […]
read more...MAY 2013
Apr 2013 investment letter. Looking ahead, I allow myself some reassurance that “Things will be alright”. But I am reminded of a quote: “Things will be alright”, does not mean, that “Things will stay the same”. 2013 Apr Letter
read more...APR 2013
Q1 2013 Investment letter. Our current outlook for stocks is cautious, especially given the sharp run-up in their prices, and we have taken some profits. We still find emerging-markets stocks attractive over our five-year time horizon and are tilted towards foreign emerging markets and developed markets stocks, despite their recent underperformance. We also believe that […]
read more...Feb 2013
Do you need a quick reference to key financial numbers like current tax rates or current mileage reimbursement rates? Key Financial numbers (Click on the link) or read pdf 2013 Key Financial numbers. (Click on the title to read a pdf).
read more...JAN 2013
2012 Year in Review. Given continued risks and modest return expectations for most asset classes, our portfolios are positioned conservatively but not excessively cautiously. We also hold some opportunistic assets that may perform well and continue to look for more opportunities. But, this strategy requires patience; fortunately, 2012 was an example of it working. 2012 […]
read more...Jan 2013
Very occasionally a thinker comes along with an insight that forces you to re-evaluate how you look at the world and try to make sense of it. Some years ago, it was Dr. Kahneman who challenged (my) status quo. More recently, it has been Nassim Nicholas Taleb. His book, Antifragile, is a provocative, if dense […]
read more...Dec 2012
Many view retirement as an event where their life changes overnight and grants them unlimited time to do as they please and to work on their bucket list. Here is a perspective that retirement is a continuation of your life and there is more to it than a bucket list; and it all starts even […]
read more...Oct 2012
The case for the stock market – the academics’ perspective. In or Out? (Click on the title to read a pdf)
read more...Aug 2012
An interesting article on retiring abroad – will it be a financial necessity or the fulfillment of an adventurous dream for you? Retiring abroad (Click on the title to read a pdf)
read more...July 2012
Here are some books I have read, am currently reading and others I hope to read, based on reading list from Wharton. Summer reading (Click on the title to read a pdf)