May 2017
Financial Literacy – It’s important: At a talk at the NY Penn Club on behalf of their Family Wealth Society, I was pleasantly surprised to get many questions from younger Alumni. Here is a sampling of what’s on their mind: Financial Literacy (click for pdf)
read more...APR 2017
Q1 Market Review: Informed inactivity is also a strategy. Equity markets have been strong recently, raising concerns if only for psychological reasons, that a correction is imminent. Yet playing hunches is not usually a winning strategy. Thus we remain vigilant but guided by fundamentals. Q1 2017 Market Letter (pdf link)
read more...MAR 2017
There are several things you control about your financial future even when markets are uncertain. IRA Contributions are one example. Make IRA Contributions (pdf link)
read more...JAN 2017
Year End Letter: Sweet (20)16, Sweaty 17? 2016 Annual Market Review – All 5 asset classes were up for 2016, the long bull market continued and realistic people should expect a correction – but no one knows when, by how much, and for how long. 2016 YE Letter (pdf link)
read more...NOV 2016
Tax planning via your investment portfolio is another example of an important financial activity that is in your control. Year-end Tax-Moves to be aware of. (Pdf Link).
read more...OCT 2016
In Q3, 2016, the non-US equity markets were the stars of the investment landscape and Reality continued to frustrate the financial (and political) forecasters. Read why we believe this is business usual.. Q3 2016 Letter
read more...JUL 2016
Q2 Market Review: In the world of equities, the second quarter of the year was anything but dull. April saw the large-cap S&P 500 and Dow make marginal gains, with the small-cap Russell 2000 and the Global Dow leading the way for the month. Q2 2016 Letter
read more...APR 2016
Q1 Market Review: Hey! You just lived through a Correction. We saw a Correction in the S&P500 Index – a popular proxy for US equity markets. A correction is when the SP500 falls more than 10%. In Q1 it fell a little over 10%, and then recovered. So before reading on… How did you feel […]
read more...MAR 2016
Financial markets can be uncertain (e.g. Q1 2016) but two certainties still remain – your retirement and taxes. Luckily, you can benefit from both if you act now. Make IRA Contributions
read more...FEB 2016
Phased investment tax reporting: Complexity, not ineptness. Investors seem to be getting their investment tax forms (1099) later than they did in the past. What gives? Read Here.