Are you a Fiduciary?
Will you act in my best interest?
- Yes.
- We operate as a stand-alone Registered Investment Advisor. We act in a fiduciary capacity. That is, in a client’s best interests, rather than in a “suitability capacity”, which is a more lenient standard. Read about the critical differences.
- As a stand-alone firm, we are not subject to any pressure from the head office or other interested parties.
- Nor are we dually registered (Lingo for having licenses to do other financial products business). All we do is investment advisory work for fully disclosed fees.
Have you been cited for disciplinary actions?
- No. Clean credentials – no complaints
Will you sign a Fiduciary Oath
- Yes
How are you compensated? What do I pay for? What do I get?
Our fees are straightforward… they are 1% of assets under management.
You pay for advice on how much to save for retirement and how much you can spend in retirement. You get a plan tailored to your temperament and goals. It is updated regularly in meetings with you. And, you get a portfolio that is customized and managed to be consistent with your goals.
Do you receive any other forms of compensation which may cause conflict of interest?
We don’t get any other compensation other than fees we charge you. If this changes, we will inform you. This means:
- We do not earn commissions or 12b-1’s or other such compensation from firms who sell mutual funds, ETF’s or such products.
- We are not engaged in any other business activity which may divide our time and attention.
- We do not receive financial incentives for recommending any financial products or for making investment recommendations.
- We do not receive any referral fees from other professionals (CPA’s Lawyers, Insurance etc).
Will you provide a written agreement outlining services and the fees?
- Yes
How much of the net worth of the principals is managed at the firm?
- More than 60%.